LOS ANGELES, April 1, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — Redwood Scientific Technologies, Inc (RST) is launching its latest product, Eupepsia Thin.
Redwood Scientific Technologies, Inc (RST) is launching its latest product, Eupepsia Thin. Like all RST products, it is an OTF based product (oral thin film). It will dissolve in your mouth in about 20 seconds and from there works to suppress your appetite and creates a feeling of fullness. The Chief Medical Officer at RST states that, the issue we have with obesity and the lack of successful dieting is the that we are consuming 2,500 plus more calories per day than we are expending. With Eupepsia Thin, you have the desire to eat less even when you are confronted with foods you love in super-sized portions.
Redwood believes that, with healthy eating and average exercise, their new product Eupepsia Thin is the answer to the diet roller coaster.